為了慶祝BenQ 三坪機W1500/ W1400/ W1300新機上市,並回饋消費者對於投影機體驗活動反應熱絡,BenQ台灣區投影機團隊持續在全省專業影音通路舉辦三坪投影機體驗活動,讓消費者實際親身感受三坪機系列機種帶來小空間大畫面的臨場震撼,十月份接連舉辦10場W1500三坪投影機消費者體驗會,邀請消費者前來親身體驗如何利用三坪空間投影100吋3D Full HD大畫面的精彩震撼,以及透過最新無線傳輸投影技術免除布線煩惱,也對於三坪家庭劇院投影機系列機種留下美好且深刻的印象。
To celebrate the launch of BenQ’s new W1500, W1400, and W1300 short-throw projectors, and in response to the enthusiasm with which consumers have received previous projector product hands-on events, BenQ Taiwan is continue to hold similar events at audiovisual equipment retailers, enabling consumers to get a first-hand taste of the stunning immersive experience that our short-throw projectors can provide even in a limited space. Ten such events featuring the W1500 took place during October alone, with consumers invited to see for themselves how BenQ’s projector can provide a big-screen 100” 3D Full HD viewing experience even in a confined space, while eliminating the hassle of attaching cables by using WiFi to connect to PCs and other video sources. In sum, the events are providing a compelling example of how consumers with little space in their homes can still enjoy a deluxe home theater experience with the help of BenQ’s short-throw projectors.