2013年11月14日 星期四
華人首款智慧社交高變焦相機BenQGH680F網易達人體驗 (GH680F’s receives recommendation and comprehensive coverage in review on popular Chinese portal site)
10月底起,網易在數位頻道首頁推薦BenQ GH680F相機,從圖賞到博客熱點欄目,從機器的外觀細節到應用全面展開來詮釋BenQ GH680F的特點!此後,網易達人評測再次肯定BenQ數位華人第一品牌,不僅教大家如何設置上傳相片,並且針對BenQ相機裡的濾鏡和夜拍都做充分的體驗!
In late October, NetEase posted a recommendation of BenQ’s GH680F on the front page of its popular 163.com web portal. The recommendation was accompanied with image galleries and feature columns, covering everything from the details of the external appearance to comprehensive descriptions of how to make use of the camera’s capabilities. Subsequently, 163.com has once again praised BenQ as the #1 Chinese digital brand in an expert review, which not only provided instructions on how to upload photographs, but also shared experiences using the BenQ camera’s filters and night shooting mode.
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