2015年7月12日 星期日
BenQ China無屏電視i701于北京JD+智慧奶茶館首發 (BenQ China’s i701 projector introduced at JD+ smart technology-equipped milk tea shop in Beijing)
6月2日,BenQ i701智慧無屏電視新品首發活動在北京JD+智慧奶茶館舉行,攜手京東、南方傳媒、優朋普樂進行戰略發佈。邀請30餘家媒體與眾多粉絲到場,後續報導與傳播反響熱烈。
On June 2, BenQ’s i701 smart projector made its debut at a launch event held in the JD+ milk tea shop in Beijing. The event was a strategic collaboration between BenQ and e-commerce site JD.com, Southern Media Corporation, and video site Voole.com. More than 30 media outlets were invited to the event, and they were accompanied by a large number of BenQ fans at the venue. The event won extensive media coverage and publicity afterwards.
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