液晶顯示器專家BenQ繼年初推出全球第一台窄邊框不閃屏液晶顯示器,獲得市場熱烈迴響,再接再厲於護眼功能持續進化,推出全球獨家低藍光液晶顯示器EW系列,內建四段低藍光模式,有效阻絕30-70%藍光傷害,其新品發佈吸引多家知名媒體前來報導採訪,預計引發3C 界的健康意識風潮。
LCD monitor specialist BenQ is following up on its debut early this year of the world’s first narrow-bezel flicker-free LCD monitors, which were enthusiastically received in the market, by introducing the next advance in eye-protective features in the world’s only low-blue light LCD monitor: the EW series. The monitors incorporate four low-blue light modes, effectively blocking 30 to 70% of potentially harmful blue light. The announcement of the new products has attracted interview requests from popular media outlets, and the EW series is expected to spark greater awareness of health-related issues in the 3C industry.