BenQ W1080ST在澳洲Avhub獲得影音相關的各項類別推薦,也在韓國HIT Brand科技雜誌獲得好評,它的高畫質與3D顯示技術獲得亞太消費者肯定。
Highly Commended Award of W1080ST in Australia
Glad to share that W1080ST won Highly Commended award at the Annual Sound and Image Awards in Australia. The Sound+Image Awards recognize excellence in the consumer audio-visual industry, with more than 90 awards presented in 43 categories including big screen TVs, high-end stereo hi-fi, headphones, wireless speakers and mobile entertainment. BenQ W1080ST won the recommendation of AV PROJECTOR OF THE YEAR by its overall outstanding performance.
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Annual award of W1080ST from Korea
BenQ W1080ST got the HIT Brand annual award from It’s B mobile magazine, which is one of the most famous mobile IT magazine of Korea, has 80K monthly subscribers.
It's B select the hottest product in almost every IT fields including camera, notebook, tablet, smart phone, monitor, head phone, computer hardware and projector every year.
BenQ W1080ST won the annual award in home projector section, and be mentioned as great choice for home theatre as its Full HD resolution, 3D image support, excellent Short throw function with easy affordable for everyone.