2013年11月14日 星期四
極致奢華視覺享受,BenQ旗艦影音EW40系列顯示器上市 (BenQ's flagship EW40 multimedia monitor series launches in China, offers premium visual experience)
BenQ推出新一代「影音王」不閃屏EW40系列顯示器即將上市。BenQ EW40系列包括了27英寸的EW2740L和24英寸EW2440L兩款顯示器,新一代「影音王」採用BenQ一貫的高品質黑銳麗屏,帶給用戶超強影音體驗;並首次搭配了全新升級的「濾藍光不閃屏」,可以非常有效的減少藍光、閃屏對人眼的傷害,更好的保護用戶眼睛健康。
The launch of the next-generation model in BenQ’s EW40 multimedia monitor series is imminent. The EW40 series includes the 27” EW2740L and 24” EW2440L, and the new models will incorporate BenQ’s high-quality VA-LCD panel. They will not only provide users with an incredible multimedia experience, but will also come with an all-new upgraded blue-light filtering flicker-free screen, which is extremely effective at reducing potential eye damage from blue light and screen flicker, thereby protecting the health of user’s eyes.
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