台灣首要太陽能光電展PV Taiwan 於10/30-11/01在台北世貿一館熱鬧舉行。BenQ Solar於本展呈現多元的產品及服務,成功展示BenQ Solar在電廠解決方案的能力及森勁電廠(9.23MW)等成功實績、也以高端實驗室造就值得客戶信賴的高效率模組、更提出各類系統應用,以協助公共建設匱乏之地的居民提升生活品質,其中環保便利的太陽能水泵吸引媒體目光,除了有台灣電視媒體採訪外,亦有來自英、德、義、日、俄、巴西及土耳其的媒體造訪。展位人潮不斷,展出圓滿成功!
Taiwan’s premier PV exhibition, PV Taiwan was held on Oct. 30 - Nov. 01 in TWTC Hall I. BenQ Solar showcased a variety of products and services, such as the capabilities of power plant solutions with its successful project “SunGen”(9.23MW), the reliable high efficiency PV modules tested by the advanced in-house laboratory and the system solutions for helping residents living without convenient infrastructure. One of the system solutions “Eco-Friendly PV Water Pumping System” attracted lots of media attention and interview requests. BenQ Solar successfully drew huge crowds at this show!