2013年11月14日 星期四

上網精靈JD130在台評測 (JD-130 TV Internet dongle reviewed in Taiwan)

BenQ 在七月份時推出一款「JD-130 電視上網精靈」,內建 ARM Cortex-A9 雙核 1.5GHz 處理器與 Android 4.1.2 系統,採用 HDMI 影音輸出,只要一般電視有 HDMI 孔,接上 JD-130 後立即變身成 Smart TV,連上網路、擴充 App、看 Youtube 影片,讓使用者親身體驗到 Smart TV 所帶來全新的家庭生活,是一個很不錯的解決方案。

In July, BenQ launched the JD-130 Internet connectivity dongle for televisions, a device based on a 1.5GHz ARM Cortex-A9 dual-core processor and running Android 4.1.2. It provides a HDMI video output, allowing the user to plug it into any television with an HDMI port, turning the television into a Smart TV. With the JD-130, users can use their TV as a display for online content, Android apps, Youtube videos, and more, giving them a first-hand experience of all of a Smart TV’s family entertainment possibilities.

