BenQ投影機團隊繼今年5月與全家便利商店-信義區三興店合作舉辦「NBA Live百吋Full HD投影體驗秀」,邀請鄰近社區住戶共賞精采賽事同時親身體驗BenQ 三坪投影機「小空間大畫面」的魅力,親切便利又熟悉的環境吸引不少對家用投影機好奇的消費者前來體驗,深獲好評;今日BenQ台灣區再度與全家便利商店攜手合作,於全家竹科店座位區打造BenQ三坪機體驗館,讓附近居民、上班族到全家便利商店休息、聊天時就能體驗最新BenQ Full HD高亮三坪機TH682ST,高亮流明度加上短焦投影技術,在明亮的便利商店不但投影效果佳,也僅佔用座位區不到一半的空間,讓店長及現場消費者非常驚豔!BenQ三坪機體驗館才剛設置完成,不少消費者立刻坐下享受百吋畫面的視覺饗宴;也有民眾對於絕佳的投影效果呈現感到好奇,主動靠近展示機台觀看產品介紹DM。而從室外到室內的佈置也不斷溝通「BenQ家用投影機全球第一品牌」、「BenQ 三坪機 想要大畫面 不必動牆面」等訊息,讓經過或是進入全家消費的民眾留下印象,也建立對BenQ家用投影機的品牌指名度。
The BenQ projector team followed up on our collaboration in May this year with a Family Mart convenience store—which gave neighborhood residents a chance to experience a live broadcast of an NBA game with 100” Full HD video from our short-throw projector, vividly demonstrating its “big picture, small space” appeal—that attracted many consumers and drew much praise. This time, BenQ is again working with Family Mart, but with another outlet, where we have set up a short-throw projector hands-on demo in the seating area. Local residents, and office workers with jobs in the area, can experience the new TH682ST, a Full HD high-luminance short-throw projector, when they go to Family Mart for a break or to have a chat. Not only does the projector provide excellent image quality despite the very bright interior lighting of the store, but it only requires half the seating area to provide its big-picture viewing, amazing both the store manager and the store’s customers. No sooner had the projector been set up than a number came in to enjoy a visual feast provided by the big 100” video. Some members of the public were so curious about how the outstanding image quality was achieved that they took the initiative to study the product data sheet placed near the projector itself. The visual arrangement of the entire setup from outside the store to inside consistently communicated the message that “BenQ is the world’s #1 brand for home projectors” and “BenQ’s short-throw projectors allow you to enjoy a big-screen viewing experience without needing to remodel your home”. It made an impression on both passersby and customers who entered the store, and built consumer preference for the BenQ brand.