極限視界 指動永恆
BenQ 看準極限運動興起所衍生的運動攝影風潮,為滿足消費者邊玩邊拍、隨時分享的拍照需求,推出「BenQ SP1運動攝影機」,配備獨家「腕帶遙控器」,一指按下即可遠端控制快門,輕鬆操控錄影、拍照需求,隨按隨拍,隨時抓住精采瞬間!搭配「360°球形端轉接頭」及全方位穿戴式配件,依個人喜好轉換攝影角度,無論是自己運動時的帥氣表情或是極速移動下的風景變換都絕不錯失,輕鬆拍下更具個人特色的影像紀錄!
Extreme visuals, preserved easily
BenQ was prescient in foreseeing that the rise of extreme sports would be accompanied by a surge in the popularity of sports-related photography. In order to satisfy the desire of consumers to simultaneously participate in and capture video of their participation, as well as their desire to share their experiences conveniently, BenQ introduced the SP1 sports video camera, which includes an exclusive wristband remote control. A finger press lets the user remotely control the shutter to easily control video recording and photo capture. Combined with the “360° spherical rotating lens” and comprehensive array of wearable accessories, the SP1 lets users freely select shooting angles according their preferences. Whether its your own heroic athletic pose or the rapidly shifting scenery as the subject of a video moves forward at top speed, the SP1 ensures you won’t miss a thing as you capture a video record of your sports-related endeavors that adds your own individual style.