2013年11月14日 星期四
華人首款智慧社交高變焦相機BenQ GH680F全網首發 (GH680F, BenQ’s smart social high-zoom camera, launches globally)
BenQ近日正式發佈前所未有的無線智慧社交相機GH680F,為全球首款2000萬畫素級無線WIFI高變焦大炮數位相機。此機現已到貨,於BenQ淘寶旗艦店正式發售。最令人欣喜的莫過於它們整合BenQ Cloud雲端服務,方便使用者無線備份,更可透過WIFI一鍵上傳相片至社交網路或透過郵件分享,還能與手機、平板等手持移動設備無縫連結,帶來遙控拍照、二維碼分享等超值應用。
BenQ recently announced the GH680F, a WiFi-equipped social smartphone—the world’s first 20-megapixel-class Wi-Fi-equipped high-zoom digital camera. Now in stock, the camera is officially available for purchase on BenQ’s flagship store on the Taobao online shopping site. Perhaps the camera’s most delightful feature is its integration of the BenQ Cloud service, making it easy for users to wirelessly back up their photos. They can also upload their photographs from the GH680F to social networks or share them via email. The GH680F can even link wirelessly to mobile devices such as phones and tablets, which can then used to take photos remotely, share QR codes, and enable other valuable applications.
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