明基友達集團旗下提供企業管理解決方案及軟體服務的專業顧問公司明基逐鹿(BenQ Guru),14日正式發布新一代流程管理平台Gaia BPM,展示長期耕耘企業資訊化管理經驗並結合雲端運算及行動化技術,持續深入管理應用的各個層面。
2013年明基逐鹿Gaia BPM產品發布會發表多項與行動化、雲端運算及企業風險控管相關的解決方案,同時也強調全新的使用者介面與多樣化應用模組,進一步擴大商業流程管理(Business Process Management)為企業帶來的附加價值。
BenQ Guru is a BenQ Group professional consultancy that supplies enterprise management solutions and software services. On 14 November, BenQ Guru officially announced the next generation of its workflow management platform, Gaia BPM. The announcement spotlights BenQ Guru’s long-term experience in the field of IT-enhanced enterprise management and its integration of cloud computing and mobile technologies, as it continues to expand its coverage to further levels of management applications.
In 2013, BenQ Guru’s Gaia BPM product launch event featured a number of solutions in the areas of mobile applications, cloud computing, and enterprise risk management. At the same time, the event highlighted an all-new user interface and diversified application modules, further expanding the value that Business Process Management can provide to enterprises.