BenQ Lighting與總部位於德國慕尼黑的家居生活品牌KARE合作,為11月即將在捷克全新開幕的展示賣場,打造更環保、舒適的照明空間。
在捷克即將開幕的賣場中,KARE規畫分三階段導入BenQ LED照明產品:
預計採用包含: Flat Panel Light(FPLA2, FPLA3), High Bay Light(HBYA1 50W, 120W), Light Tube(T8AA3)以及Intelligent Controller(CSHA2) ,含周邊配件預計採購數量超過280pcs. 。
成立於1981年的KARE Design 是一家標榜以合理價位提供具有設計、時尚風格的家居店,產品種類涵括了家俱、燈飾、家居配件、空間擺飾等等。KARE Design在全球37個國家共計有55家店鋪,致力於推廣一種全新的家居理念及生活方式,希望與消費者共同打造更具設計感的品味生活。
BenQ Lighting 產品深獲講究設計品味的KARE青睞,後續還預計採購Flood Light來妝點賣場的外部空間。
BenQ Lighting recently collaborated with Munich, Germany-based furniture and lifestyle product retailer KARE Design, creating a lighting solution that is both environment-friendly and comfortable for the latter’s new showcase store set for a November opening in the Czech Republic.
At the new store, KARE Design plans to introduce BenQ LED lighting products in three phases. The plans call for the installation of BenQ’s Flat Panel Light (FPLA2, FPLA3), High Bay Light (HBYA1 50W, 120W), Light Tube (T8AA3), and Intelligent Controller (CSHA2) products. When accessory items are included, KARE is projected to purchase more than 280 units of BenQ Lighting products.
Founded in 1981, KARE Design positions itself as a provider of reasonably priced home furnishings with a sophisticated design sense and chic styling. Its products include furniture, lamps, home accessories, and room decorations. KARE Design currently has 55 stores in 37 countries around the world, and is dedicated to promoting a new way of thinking about the home and lifestyles. Its hope is to work with consumers to create a lifestyle with a refined design sensibility.
KARE Design, known for its discriminating design taste, has selected BenQ Lighting products, demonstrating the standard of excellence we have achieved. Going forward, KARE Design foresees purchasing BenQ’s Flood Light products to illuminate the exterior of the new store in style.