2013年11月14日 星期四
還你純淨視界 BenQ濾藍光護眼不閃屏全球首發媒體訪談會 (BenQ holds media event to spotlight global launch of blue light-filtering flicker-free monitors)
10月21日,「還你純淨視界 BenQ濾藍光護眼不閃屏全球首發」媒體訪談會在北京後海5號召開。會上從廠商的角度進一步闡述BenQ濾藍光不閃屏是如何做到降低藍光對眼睛的傷害,以及濾藍光新品的操作使用方法等。現場互動環節,與會媒體積極提問,氣氛活躍,進一步強化了BenQ濾藍光不閃屏的品牌印象。
On 21 October, BenQ held a media event in Beijing to discuss the worldwide launch of our blue-light-filtering eye-protective flicker-free monitors. During the event, we detailed how BenQ is able to reduce potential eye damage from blue light, and described how to use these new blue light-filtering products. The Q&A session saw eager inquiries from the journalists present, creating a lively atmosphere and further cementing the association of blue light-filtering flicker-free panels with the BenQ brand image.
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