2013年11月14日 星期四
低藍光護眼螢幕在台獲指標通路媒體評測 (Low-blue light eye-protective monitors reviewed by channel-oriented media in Taiwan)
對我們天天都需要使用的螢幕來說,BenQ致力於發展護眼技術真的是值得讚賞,雖然Flicker-free 無閃爍迴路穩定技術(不閃屏),是一種隱性的優點,但看得出來其實現在還滿多消費者所重視的。更不容易的是,BenQ 再於新品中注入創新的低藍光技術,因為藍光是唯一可穿過瞳孔進入黃斑部的光源,容易造成眼睛疲累與傷害,相信這次新產品層次更是深植人心了!
Computer monitors are something that we must use virtually every day, so BenQ’s efforts to develop eye-protective technology deserves praise. Although anti-flicker stabilization circuit technology (flicker-free panels) may not be an immediately conspicuous advantage, it is evident that a considerable number of consumers place great importance on it. Now, BenQ is incorporating innovative low-blue light technology in its new products. The impetus is the finding that blue light is the only type of visible light that can penetrate through the eye’s pupil to the retina’s macula, thereby causing eye fatigue and possible damage. We are confident this new product has even greater appeal to consumers than the previous generation of eye-protective monitors.
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