在5月,大部分NS宣布Eye-care全系列包括VA LED – BenQ Eye-care系列顯示器是保護你眼睛健康最佳的選擇。為了傳達這個訊息,RO與Google合作,在澳大利亞,印尼,馬來西亞,阿拉伯聯合大公國和埃及,針對Google搜尋與顯示網路加以設定。而各區域與Google的合作活動仍在進行中,NS也各自在負責的區域內進行活動來對長時間使用電腦的族群,推廣Eye-care系列產品。
Google也在6月4日起,以Google Always-on Search與Google Always-on Search在各國進行連續4週的廣宣活動。對7個廣告分類,包括品牌,顯示器尺寸,通用,觀眾,其他競爭對手的品牌,Eye-care及眼部問題,個別設置100個左右的關鍵字。當用戶輸入任何與關鍵字相關的字句,Eye-care系列的微型廣告將會顯示出來,用戶只需一個簡單的點擊就能帶他/她來了解更多BenQ Eye-care系列LCD。
In May most of the NS announced the Eye-care full range lineup with VA LED- BenQ Eye-care monitor is a healthier choice for your eyes. In order to spread the message, RO co-worked with Google to deploy Google search and display networks in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, UAE and Egypt. While the regional Google campaign was ongoing, NS also conducted their own activities locally for conveying the Eye-care solutions for prolonged computer use.
In regard to Google campaign, this time Google Always-on Search and Google Display Network(GDN) were utilized to boost awareness. The campaign for each country started consecutively from 4th of June and continued for 4 weeks.
Google Search:
7 ad groups including brand, monitor size, generic, audience, other terms i.e. competitors’ brands, eye-care and eye problems with around 100 words were set as keywords. When user types in any of the selected word Eye-care microsite ad shows up, with a simple click s/he will be led to learn more about BenQ Eye-care LCD.
Awareness targeting were by Interest (audience), e.g. computer monitors & displays, parenting and by topic, e.g. computer electronics, computer hardware. Google will automatically detect user’s interest by websites s/he often visits and select websites match the topics to run the display ads.
In addition to Google campaign, here is a quick wrap-up of by countries.
The cooperation with MiVision including banner ads and email broadcast continues in June. On MiVision website there is a contest till 18th of July- after watching the Eye-care video and getting the right answer about Low Blue Light, the participant can enter the raffle of EW2740L.
Indonesia invests on not only Google but also the local IT portal and EC sites, leveraging RO’s creatives. Product reviews on 1st tier media is ongoing to promote Eye-care LCD.
UAE & Egypt:
Most of the resources for Eye-care LCD were put on Google while sending products for regular product reviews.
In Malaysia there is an offering for those who purchase BenQ Eye-care monitors- purchase selected Eye-care monitors to stand a chance winning a 5 days 4 nights trip for 2 to Taiwan. Offer ends 10th of September. The SP is being promoted online and on Facebook. There will be magazine adverts in July issues as well.
BenQ India’s focus in Q2 for Eye-care monitors is to set up live demonstrations at 25 dealer shops across 6 major cities- Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, Mumbai and Surat.