2014年7月15日 星期二

BQtw 電競螢幕贊助Kingston Hyperx 光速戰艦活動 (BQtw serves as product sponsor with gaming monitors for Kingston Hyperx gaming tournament)

BenQ電競螢幕不斷為台灣電競成長而努力,本次與記憶卡大廠Kingston合作Hyperx光速戰艦活動,現場以電競螢幕XL2420Z 展示出完美效能,讓與會玩家印象深刻!

BenQ has long demonstrated our commitment to promoting the development of competitive gaming in Taiwan, and our latest effort was a collaboration with memory card vendor Kingston for the Hyperx gaming event. At the venue, BenQ’s XL2420Z demonstrated its display prowess, mightily impressing the gamers on hand.

