6月10日至14日在Jakata,Binus大學舉辦的Q-Challenge,吸引超過3000名民眾參與。BenQ印尼提供22台RL2450H與22台GW2255HM顯示器供Clash of Gods及Kingdom under Fire2的比賽使用。Q-Challenge主要吸引青少年與大學生族群,這場盛大活動對BenQ而言是增加品牌知名度的大好機會!
The Q-Challenge took place at Binus University in Jakarta between 10th and 14th of June, gathering more than 3,000 people participating the event. BenQ Indonesia lent 22 units of RL2450H and 22 units of GW2255HM for playing games like Clash of Gods and Kingdom under Fire 2. Q-Challenge was an event mainly drawing attentions of teenage and college students. It was overwhelming and BenQ had good brand exposure throughout the 5-day occasion.