BenQ 台灣區在2014亞洲讀者文摘的「信譽品牌金牌獎(Trusted Brands Gold Award)」當中獲選為台灣地區家用投影機金牌獎。 BenQ針對台灣家庭小空間需求所打造的「BenQ三坪機」家用投影機系列,因洞察市場發展與使用者需求所設計出的家用投影機,推出後廣受市場好評,此次獲獎不僅是BenQ台灣區在台灣市場深耕多年的成果,更證實BenQ的家用投影機產品深受客戶肯定。
BenQ Taiwan won a Trusted Brands Gold Award for 2014 in the Taiwan home projector category in the Asian edition of Reader’s Digest. BenQ created a line of short throw home projectors with the limited space that many Taiwanese families have in their homes in mind. Because of our insight into market trends and user needs when we designed these home projectors, they have been very well received ever since their introduction. This latest award not only reflects the many years of effort that BenQ has put into development of the Taiwanese market, but also attests to the high esteem that customers hold for BenQ as a home projector brand.