2014年7月15日 星期二
台灣區三坪機網路活動起跑 (Campaign for short-throw projectors kicks off in Taiwan)
BenQ 特別推出「BenQ 三坪機 『小空間大畫面』創意照片大募集」活動,自 2014 年 6 月 1 日起至 2014 年 7 月 30 日,只要拍下如何使用 W1070/ W1080ST/ W1300/ W1400/ W1500/ MH680 等 Full HD 三坪機機種,在居家小空間創造極致大畫面的創意照片,並上傳至「BenQ 三坪機瘋世足 『小空間大畫面』創意照片大募集」活動網站(http://fv38.com/87143),就能免費得到電影券 2 張,另有機會抽中 BenQ GP20 LED 影音娛樂行動投影機、BenQ R76 平板電腦、施華洛世奇心型閃亮 4GB 隨身碟、及微電腦式電暖器等多項大獎。
BenQ has launched a promotional campaign for our short-throw projectors. The public is invited to submit photos of creative setups showing how these projectors can provide a big-picture view in a small space. From 1 June to 30 July, anyone who takes a photo showing how to use a BenQ W1070, W1080ST, W1300, W1400, W1500, or MH680 Full HD short throw projector in a small space within their homes to display a big-picture view then uploads it to the campaign’s website (http://fv38.com/87143) will receive two free movie tickets, as well being entered in drawings for a number of prizes, including a BenQ GP20 LED mobile projector, R76 tablet, Swarovski-designed 4GB thumb drive, and microchip-controlled space heater.
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