友達光電太陽能品牌BenQ Solar今年再度參加於德國慕尼黑所舉辦的全球規模最大太陽光電展(Intersolar Europe 2014, Jun. 4~6)。在展出內容中,最受矚目的莫過於高效背接觸式電池太陽能模組─SunForte PM096B00,以及目前全球最輕的60-cell單晶太陽能模組─Aer PM060M01,該項產品更入圍Intersolar Award決選名單。另外,具高度整合性的儲能產品PowerLegato®亦引起不少參訪者的興趣。藉由本次參展,BenQ Solar不僅再次展現致力於太陽能產業的決心,更在現場與來自各國的客戶交流,以爭取更多潛在的商機!
BenQ Solar, a division of AU Optronics, presented itself with numerous innovative and advanced solar solutions at Intersolar Europe (Jun. 4~6, 2014) which took place in Munich, Germany. During the largest worldwide solar tradeshow, BenQ Solar successfully showcased its well-diversified product portfolio including SunForte PM096B00, the most frequently-asked product throughout the event that is made of high efficiency back-contact solar cells; and Aer PM060M01, the world’s lightest mono-crystalline module which was nominated as one of the finalists running toward the Intersolar Award. Additionally, visitors also showed a keen interest in the integrated energy storage system, PowerLegato®, which can provide efficient utilization of its stored energy and line power for residential and small commercial applications. By taking part in this worldwide solar event, BenQ Solar not only reinforced its ambition to bring solar to people’s everyday life in a more efficient way, but also generated more business leads while interacting with groups of international visitors.