2014年7月23日 星期三
BenQ在阿拉伯舉行世足促銷活動 (Jarir Bookstore shop-front promotion and EC banner ads in Saudi Arabia)
世界盃促銷活動在6月份持續進行,這個月我們與沙烏地阿拉伯最大的書籍與消費電子產品零售商 – Jarir書店合作,在網站上放置橫幅廣告,也寄送產品目錄給其會員。
World cup promotion was on-going in June, and this month we had banner ads in Jarir Bookstore, the largest retailer of books and consumer electronics in Saudi Arabia, together with catalogue distribution to all its members.
As for EC site listing, we got the leadership position banner ads on dubaimachines.com and have our Abcom email blast to all its customers.
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