2014年7月22日 星期二

BenQ MH680投影機獲印尼好評 ([IN] Best Guy from Digit for MH680)

BenQ MH680投影機在將近15台投影機中脫穎而出,榮獲Digit雜誌評選為the Best Buy投影機。Digit的評論中寫道:BenQ MH680無疑是BenQ最棒的投影機,也是目前為止最亮眼的一台,加上清晰的影像輸出與其他附加功能,是您家庭娛樂中最理想的夥伴。

BenQ MH680 won over 15 projectors to be the Best Buy on Digit magazine. Here is the comment- “BenQ MH680 is easily the best BenQ projector we encountered during the course of this comparison test. It’s one of the brightest projectors we’ve seen, with very good visual output and all the bells and whistles that make it an ideal companion for your home entertainment. A very well deserved Best Buy Award goes to the BenQ MH680 projector. A true winner. “

