2014年7月14日 星期一

台灣區大尺寸液晶邀你看世足賽! (You’re invited to watch World Cup matches on BenQ Taiwan’s big-screen flat-panel TVs)

BenQ與Mobile網站合作,舉辦「BenQ 呼朋引”爸”揪團轟趴活動-大尺寸電視看世足」,結合目前最熱的體育賽事 – 2014世界盃足球賽,邀請喜歡運動賽事的爸爸們與自己的好友組團報名,同場賽事同時共開放數個五星級飯店包廂,一起暫時拋開平常生活壓力,透過 BenQ 提供的超絢彩黑湛屏 65 型大尺寸液晶,觀賞大畫面 HD 畫質現場 Live 直播的震撼。透過網路論壇Mobile01合作招募、部落客邀請體驗,網路正面口碑聲量持續發酵;另外更透過電視新聞媒體採訪報導以及透過網路將感性紀實情境影片進行口碑擴散,將活動宣傳擴及更多族群,成功提升品牌好感度。

BenQ worked with the Mobile01 website, organizing an event timed to coincide with the ongoing World Cup 2014. For the event, we invited fathers who are also sports fans to sign up with some friends as a group to enjoy a World Cup match together in the comfort of five-star hotel stateroom. There, they could forget the pressures of everyday life as they watch the live action in captivating HD video on a big-screen 65” VA-LCD flat-panel television provided by BenQ. Collaborating with Mobile01 we publicized the event and invited bloggers to experience the TV themselves, generating positive word-of-mouth that continued after the event was over. In addition, coverage by the television news media and online videos that documented the event further extended the publicity produced by the event to reach more consumer groups, successfully increasing positive sentiment about the brand.

