2014年1月21日 星期二

台灣區BenQ 獲獎不斷!大型液晶與投影機榮獲獎項肯定 (BenQ Taiwan receives more awards, for large-screen flat-panel TV and projectors)

BenQ12月獲獎不斷,大型液晶50RV6500與投影機W1500,雙雙榮獲專業影音媒體「新視聽雜誌-年度風雲器材獎」同時投影機更榮獲「2014 Nova 理想通路品牌獎」,BenQ 品牌長期經營所累積的品質保證及銷售力道,讓通路、消費者、媒體一致推薦!

「新視聽雜誌年度風雲器材獎」是由專業影音影音媒體「新視聽雜誌」的編輯群,依影音設備類別分類,票選出年度最佳推薦器材。大型液晶50RV6500,以優異的黑湛屏畫質特色與國產品牌最窄的極窄邊框技術,深獲編輯群肯定贈獎;而投影機W1500, 在投影機品類,以能靈活適應各種投影環境的無線傳輸功能及大變焦鏡頭擊敗他牌產品,獲得編輯群一致推薦!

「Nova 理想通路品牌獎」自2003年起連續舉辦11年,是NOVA結合銷售通路及專業3C媒體評析的年度調查,鎖定NOVA的專業消費者及零售商店長為兩大訪查對象,並以公平公開方式訪問店長與蒐集消費者問卷。依照3C資訊產品種類分類,統計店家之產品進貨率與銷售率,以及調查消費者心中最佳知名度及最佳指名度的品牌,兩相加總票數最高的前三名均獲頒「2014 Nova 理想通路品牌獎」。

BenQ received a number of awards in December, including one for the large-screen 50RV6500 flat-panel TV and W1500 projector. The awards were given by Prime AV magazine in its annual products of the year feature. At the same time, BenQ projectors won a 2014 Nova Channel Award. The new awards attest to the quality guarantee and sales momentum that BenQ has built up over time, with retail channels, consumers, and the media all recommending BenQ.

Prime AV’s products of the year feature is produced by the editorial team at the pro publication. The editors choose the best products of the year in various audiovisual device categories. The large-screen flat-panel 50RV6500 uses a high-quality VA-LCD panel and boasts the narrowest bezel of any domestically produced television, gaining the enthusiastic approval of the editors. As for the W1500 projector, the ability of its wireless connectivity to flexibly adapt to various environments and its high-powered zoom lens bested products from other brands, winning the unanimous recommendation of the editorial team.

The Nova Channel Award has been given every year since 2003, and is the result of an annual survey conducted by Nova in collaboration with sales channel vendors and 3C specialist media. The awards are divided into two categories—one based on a survey of Nova’s sophisticated consumers and the other of retail store owners. The awards use a fair and open approach in interviewing store owners and collecting consumer questionnaires. Data on the proportion that individual products account for in orders and sales in particular 3C product categories are compiled for retail stores, while consumers are asked about what brands they are most familiar with and most favor. Results of the two surveys are combined and the top three products are designated winners of the year’s Nova Channel Award.

