2014年1月20日 星期一

BenQ濾藍光顯示器-中國愛爾眼科跨界合作分享 (BenQ works with Guangzhou opthalmology hospital to promote blue light-filtering monitors)


On 21 December, BenQ partnered for the first time with Wuhan’s Aier Eye Hospital to organize a Q&A session on the VisuMax laser surgery system. Aier emphasizes pre-operation examinations and use of the VisuMax system, while BenQ is focused on the health of patients’ eyes after their surgery, making a collaboration between the two parties an expression of comprehensive concern for patients. The Q&A session was attended by more than 100 patients, and BenQ had prepared prizes and gifts for the occasion, as well as a discount card worth 200 renminbi off a purchase.

