2013年12月11日 星期三

中國CFPLS4光榮落幕 BenQ遊戲顯示器XL2420T助力圓電競夢想 (China’s CFPLS4 comes an exciting close, with BenQ’s XL2420T helping fulfill gaming dreams)

引億萬國人矚目的CFPL S4賽季(2013)終於落下了帷幕,對於BenQ而言,“中國夢”既是“電競夢”,而助力“電競夢”也是“BenQ夢”,BenQ將會一如既往的全力支持中國電競夢想,為中國電競的強勢起飛助力!

The widely watched fourth season (2013) of the Chinese Crossfire Professional League (CFPL) finally came to a close, and BenQ’s “Chinese Dream” is a “gaming dream”, while making this “gaming dream” come true is also “BenQ's Dream”. All of which is to say that BenQ will continue to fully support the dream of China becoming a preeminent eSports power!

