2013年12月16日 星期一

BenQ W1400開箱影片在法國 (W1400 unboxing video with high views by LaChaineTechno on youtube in France)

BenQ W1400開箱影片在youtube上線,這個法國網路電視節目La chaine Techno強調了BenQ投影機的高畫質表現。

La chaine Techno is a WebTV of 01 Net Group (Radio RMC, BFM TV…)
It has over 75K follower

Please see below link :
It has been viewed 6500 times since yesterday

This is a WebTV show dedicated to High-tech.
PP Garcia, show presenter, French EISA representative has selected BenQ W1400.

He explains this product is as good as a 5000€ PRJ of two years ago, with even better picture quality.
He highlights : 3D compatibility + FOX 3D Glasses, Full HD 1080p, ease of use and installation, 2m@2m  considered as a “hit”.

He has also tested W1400 and published a test review in Hi-Fi Vidéo Mag.

