2013年12月11日 星期三

BenQ China國產長焦社交相機 達人體驗BenQ GH680F (BenQ China organizes hands-on event for enthusiasts focused on the GH680F high-zoom social camera)

作為明基電通基於雲端服務戰略、充分整合軟硬體研發實力所開發的全球首款2000萬圖元級無線WIFI智慧社交大炮相機,BenQ GH680F不僅為人們展現了數位相機產業發展的新趨勢新未來,更為廣大國內消費者帶來了真正集專業影像拍攝能力與智慧社交分享功能於一身的新選擇、新應用和新體驗。

Developed as part of BenQ Corporation’s cloud services strategy, the BenQ GH680F is the result of tightly coordinated software and hardware development, and is the world’s first 20-megapixel-class WiFi smart social camera. The GH680F not only shows people a new direction and reimagined future for the development of the digital camera industry, it also gives domestic consumers the new choices, new uses, and new experiences of a camera that genuinely brings together pro-level video and still photography capabilities, along with smart social features—all in a single device.

