2013年12月16日 星期一

台灣區電視上網精靈JD-130部落客達人體驗會 (BenQ Taiwan holds workshop on the JD-130 TV Internet dongle for prominent bloggers)


BenQ Taiwan is promoting our JD-130 Internet dongle for televisions. Besides wide-ranging publicity efforts, we are also specifically targeting consumers who are already familiar with smart TV controller devices through in-depth marketing events. These events enable BenQ’s TV products to stand out in their sophistication from others in the same category as the leading brand. We are using a hands-on workshop format, inviting leading bloggers focused on 3C devices to attend and communicating with them in person. These bloggers are able to draw on first-hand experience with the products and even direct comparison with rival products, to gain a sense of how BenQ’s Internet dongle is clearly superior. Naturally, in their roles as opinion leaders in the consumers electronics space, they can then recommend BenQ’s product as the best choice for consumers.

