2013年12月16日 星期一

台灣區護眼低藍光螢幕,全省廣播起跑 (Broadcasts about eye-protective low-blue light monitors commence in Taiwan)

BenQ在推出不閃屏後,更積極探究護眼新科技,推出全球獨家低藍光(Low Blue Light)液晶顯示器,可有效阻絕30-70%藍光,輕鬆藍截眼睛傷害,日前鎖定上班族群,於飛碟、好事聯播網開始做廣播情境劇露出,讓閱聽者能藉由家長的對話, 感受低藍光螢幕的魅力所在

After introducing our flicker-free monitors, we are investigating new eye-protective technologies even more vigorously, introducing the world’s only low-blue light LCD monitor. The monitor can effectively block 30 to 70% of blue light, providing an easy way to prevent eye damage. Recently, radio plays that use dialogs with parents to give listeners a sense of the benefits of low-blue light monitors began broadcasting on networks popular with office workers in Taiwan.

