2013年12月11日 星期三

太平洋電腦網不閃屏濾藍光顯示器新品VW2245評測 (BenQ’s new flicker-free low-blue light VW2245 monitor reviewed by PConline website)


BenQ VW2245採用具有黑銳麗技術的VA面板,顯示效果相當好,配合超高的對比度讓電影畫面顯得更加精細,而且擁有超廣視角,無論哪個角度都能看到同樣的畫面。

The BenQ VW2245 uses a VA-LCD panel, providing excellent display performance. Specifically, it offers an ultra-high contrast ratio, rendering movie scenes with greater crispness, while its super-wide viewing angles provides the same great viewing experience regardless of where the viewer is positioned in front of the monitor.

