2012年9月10日 星期一

GP2 在中東機場 (GP2 showcase at KSA airports, and retail outlets in India)

BenQ GP2除了在Apple iStore及量販店上架之外,現在也能在沙烏地阿拉伯的機場商店買得到了。現場規畫展示區,讓顧客更了解產品的特性。

Thanks for BenQ Middle East’s continuously efforts on developing retail outlets for GP2 live demonstration. Besides the existing Apple resellers and major retail outlets, BenQ Middle East also successfully live demonstrate GP2 in the airport of Saudi Arabia. Currently there’re five demo spots in Al Musbah Stores, a leading channel of airport shop. The travelers experienced GP2 full function and are much impressed by its portal and ease-to-use features.

BenQ India is also developing GP2 live demo zone in 25 identified outlets. Learned from BenQ Thailand POP design, BenQ India also set up a table screen to showcase GP2 features; it’s good to see NS share success story which benefits others.  The live demo goes with GP2 brochures and standee, which help users to better understand the product features.

