2012年9月10日 星期一

「樂工作 愛生活」BenQ微投影機新品GP10發佈會在北京召開 (BenQ holds launch event for new GP10 pocket projector in Beijing)

9月4日,全球投影機領導品牌BenQ在京召開微投新品發佈會。除獲得2012臺灣精品獎金質獎殊榮的GP2以外,同時亮相的還有住商兩用的最新微投影產品GP10。本次發佈會以小而精的方式邀請了核心媒體17家,根據微投不同的應用現場體驗了商用與家用的解決方案,體現本次發佈會“樂工作 愛生活“的主題!

On 4 September, world-leading projector brand BenQ debuted its latest pocket projectors in Beijing. Besides showcasing the Joybee GP2 pocket projector, which was awarded a 2012 Taiwan Excellence Gold Award, BenQ also launched its newest pocket projector, the GP10, which targets both the business and home markets. For the event, BenQ opted for a more intimate, in-depth approach, inviting 17 key media outlets to experience demos of solutions for home and office pocket projector usage scenarios, communicating the theme for the launch, “enjoy work, love life”.

