2012年9月11日 星期二
BenQ China淘寶旗艦店買即贈活動 (BenQ China participates in sales promotion with prize drawing on flagship Taobao store)
為了讓更多熱愛BenQ旋轉屏G1的用戶體驗大光圈的美麗,9月5日至10日,BenQ淘寶旗艦店特開展一系列的買即贈活動,獎品多多,大禮豐厚!凡光臨BenQ淘寶旗艦店購買G1的用戶立贈三件開門禮!更有滿即抽獎贈New iPad好禮相送!
To enable even more users to experience the spectacular results possible with BenQ’s G1 swivel-screen bright-lens camera, from 5 to 10 September, BenQ held a series of sales promotions on its flagship Taobao online store. Shoppers who made a purchase were entered into a drawing that featured a large number of great prizes. Purchasers of the G1 were rewarded with three gifts, as well as being eligible to win a new iPad.
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