2012年9月9日 星期日
BenQ參加韓國休閒展 (BenQ Korea Joined Leisure Exhibition to demonstrate GP2)
BenQ參加韓國休閒展並展示GP2、MW712、LW61ST、 W1060等多項產品,同時也藉由贈送入場卷的方式舉辦活動,吸引更多新的粉絲。
From Aug 30th to Sep 2nd, BenQ Korea joined Leisure exhibition in Koyang city, Kyunggi province. At this event, BenQ Korea set GP2 in a camping tent and also demonstrated MW712, LW61ST and W1060. At the same time, BenQ Korea also conducted a facebook program to give away free tickets of the exhibition, which successfully help increase new fans by 20%. BenQ Korea smartly utilized free tickets to attract new fans and promote GP2 to people who love camping.
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