2012年9月11日 星期二

BenQ China Joybook捲土重來 超極本X41輕薄上市 (BenQ brings back Joybook with launch of the X41 ultrabook)

還記得08年BenQ Joybook所帶來的快樂體驗嗎?如今,BenQ China帶著Joybook捲土重來,並正式加入超極本行列!近日,BenQ推出全新的超長效能並極致輕薄的超極本X41,將Joybook的快樂科技風延續!

Do you remember the happy experience of using a 2008-era BenQ Joybook? Now, BenQ China is giving the Joybook new life as it officially enters the ultrabook space. In recent days, BenQ has introduced the all-new X41 ultrabook with extra-long battery life and incredibly slim form factor, opening a new chapter in the Joybook saga.

