2012年9月10日 星期一
BenQ職業電競隊TFE斬獲2012 K1公開賽冠軍 (BenQ’s professional gaming team wins K1 League championship for 2012 season)
8月26日,世紀天成K1 2012全國公開賽落下帷幕,BenQ職業電競隊BENQ TFE最終不負眾望,拿下成軍以來首個全國性賽事冠軍。TFE五個大男孩成軍以來一直備受關注,卻又飽受質疑,內心承受著巨大壓力。這次,他們以全國性大賽的冠軍成績證明了自己。
The K1 League’s 2012 season came to a close on 26 August, and after fiercely contested matches, BenQ’s TFE pro team did not disappoint, taking its first national championship. The five members of the team has endured close scrutiny since TFE formed, and doubts about their prospects put them under enormous pressure. But by winning this nationally contested championship, they have proved their mettle once and for all.
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