BenQ Australia舉辦GP2 facebook活動,描述GP2在一天生活中的應用,吸引粉絲加入BenQ Australia臉書粉絲專頁持續關注GP2產品訊息。
BenQ Australia developed a great GP2 video and came out a Facebook campaign. The video clearly describes GP2 portable feature by daily life. In the video, it can find how GP2 presents in commute, works in business, plays with i-Phone and even has fun with your friends. Furthermore, BenQ Australia started a Facebook campaign with this video to increase its Facebook fan’s base and also push ShopBenQ ecommerce sales.
Before the campaign, there is a teaser to keep fans’ attention and attract people to join BenQ Facebook Page. BenQ Australia also schedule Facebook Ads to reach more potential customers. The activity is simple: people are encouraged to watch video and answer GP2 questions to earn a free GP2. Let’s check BenQ Australia Facebook to win the prize!