為持續延續BenQ「全球最輕薄翻轉螢幕大光圈類單眼」G1的網路討論熱度,台灣區與T客邦網站/PCHOME雜誌於8/18(六)合作舉辦BenQ G1網友體驗會,體驗會中安排講師的玩拍經驗分享、結合產品特點的趣味遊戲、攝影比賽,以及深度體驗的形式,滿足網友對G1的好奇,並充分體驗F1.8大光圈、翻轉螢幕、全手動操作,結合於G1輕薄的機身中。會後的網路發文也再刺激網路口碑的擴散與討論,為G1「女王自拍機」累積更多正面評價。
To sustain the online buzz surrounding BenQ’s G1, the “world’s lightest swivel-screen bright-lens SLR camera”, BenQ Taiwan worked with the Techbang website and PCHome magazine to hold a hands-on tryout event for the G1. On Saturday, 18 August members of the online community were invited to experience the G1 for themselves. The event also featured a speaker who shared his own experiences taking photographs with the G1, interesting games that highlighted product features, a photography contest, and an in-depth hands-on with the camera—all designed to satisfy curiosity about the G1. The event allowed participants to experience the F1.8 large-aperture lens, swivel-screen LCD, and full manual mode packaged in the G1’s sleekly compact form. After the event, articles posted online stimulated the spread of favorable word-of-mouth and further discussion, building further positive buzz for the G1.