Knowing BenQ

新型態、新進化、更多元、更豐富Knowing BenQ,提供全集團內部同仁,BenQ各公司訊息、BenQ產品行銷活動、全球營銷據點新聞及各項BenQ產品的完整資訊。

Knowing BenQ

Global news about BenQ product, staff activities, corporate culture and marketing activities

Knowing BenQ

新型態、新進化、更多元、更豐富Knowing BenQ,提供全集團內部同仁,BenQ各公司訊息、BenQ產品行銷活動、全球營銷據點新聞及各項BenQ產品的完整資訊。

2012年9月13日 星期四

BenQ.deltasport電競團隊近況追蹤 (BenQ.deltasport gaming team performance update)


Silver & Bronze at
Gamegune (4. Pl.)

BenQ贊助x6tence在西班牙Euskal Encounter 2012的競賽 (BenQ x6tence sponsorship)

在BenQ共同參與的Euskal Encounter展會中,我們以電競角度切入,贊助大會賽中的CS遊戲團隊。

In Euskal Encounter 20th edition, BenQ was present on this event on different situations:
x6tence gaming team in GAMEGUNE GameGune Professional gaming competition was held in the Euskal Encounter 20th in this edition Counter Strike 1.6 was played. It was held inside the party premises, in a special area with exclusive PC’s provided by the organization, in which the best European players was fighter in equal conditions. Our sponsored eSport team x6tence was present into this international tournament of “Counter Strike 1.6”.

BenQ贊助西班牙Euskal Encounter 2012活動 (BenQ Euskal Encounter 2012 gaming event sponsorship in Spain)

Euskal Encounter是個業餘愛好者和專業人士的知識交流活動,約6000人共4000台電腦參加了這個活動,BenQ的贊助加強了品牌的能見度。

Euskal Encounter is a computer party for computer amateurs and professionals seeking a knowledge exchange and willing to be involved for a few days in any kind of activity related to computers. The largest and oldest computer party in Spain meet to 6,000 people in the BEC in Barakaldo.

About 6,000 people with over 4,000 computers meet from Thursday until Sunday at Euskal Encounter, the world's fastest computer party –as organization says- to play, have fun with friends, learn, share and download files at 20 gigabits (Gb) per second.

This edition accommodate 6,000 participants, with 12% women, from 51 Spanish provinces, with a mean age of 27, and 4,096 computers are connected with a connection of 20 gigabits (Gb), 3,000 times the speed of broadband access usual wide.

Euskal Encounter also house digital art competitions, a section of hardware, contests related to the development of free software programs, tournaments and games among amateurs in the area "GameGune" a professional video game competition.

BenQ贊助捷克Grune電競大賽 (BenQ Grunex Challenge 2012 gaming tournament sponsorship in Czech and Slovakia Republic)


Grunex Challenge Gaming efforts

  • Low level sposorship (lenting of monitors,  some branding)
  • Extreme Overcloking Lan Party  - March 2012; Estimated number of participants – 1.000 
  • Battlefield 3 Lan Party – April 2012; Estimated number of participants: 100
  • Japan Play – May 2012; Estimated number of participant: 2500; BenQ sent 2 awards: - GH700 for official BenQ Blogger at Japan Play, BenQ RL2450HT for BenQ Gaming competition

BenQ在東歐贊助Lightning event shows(Lightning event shows at Riverstage and Castle Kasperk in Czech Republic)

七八月時,BenQ在東歐持續進行廣告宣傳,贊助Lightning event shows,在布拉格呈現科技與藝術的美感。

  • Country: CZ
  • Date: July 28th – Aug. 31st 2012
  • Culture and art at the river in the old city of Prague
  • 100.000s of visitors
  • Using BenQ projectors for visual effects
  • Video to be available by end of Sep.

BenQ會見比利時零售通路夥伴 (BenQ meet IT Partner Event in Belgium)

9/13 BenQ參加位於比利時的「Meet-IT」夥伴活動,BenQ向他們展出我們的投影機以及IFPs技術。

  • On September 13th the Meet-IT Partner Event opened its doors in Tour & Taxis, Brussels Belgium for the 20th edition. The international distributor Tech Data was the organiser and about 55 vendors presented their assortment to 3000 high valued dealers. BenQ Benelux showed their range of projectors and IFPs.

BenQ參加荷蘭HON秋季展 (HON Autumn Show in the Netherlands)


  • HON Autumn Show in the Netherlands, please refer to images hon_show1, 2 and 3
  • HON is the largest distributor of consumer elektronic products in Benelux and part of the Tech Data group, which is an international distributor of technology products operating in more than 100 countries with 125.000 resellers. HON Autumn Show is held in Hoevelaken The Netherlands from September 10th until 12th and September 17th until 18th whereas around 75 vendors show their latest products to more than 3000 interested channel partners and BenQ exhibits its complete range of digital cameras.

明基逐鹿協助資訊工業策進會參訪明基大樓 (BenQ Guru plays host during Institute for Information Industry tour of BenQ headquarters)



On 30 August, BenQ Guru helped arrange a tour of BenQ headquarters by the Institute for Information Industry’s high-tech building management team and industry experts. The Institute’s secretary-general led the delegation, gaining a better understanding of our distinctive approach to building management—which draws on a combination of the headquarters’ hardware and software facilities—and BenQ’s corporate culture. Serving as guide was Brenda, senior manager in BenQ Corporation’s Human Resources Center. Chen described the building’s adoption of property management measures, the use of the system platform developed by BenQ Guru for management, and the operations of the employee cafeteria. Guests were invited to take a meal in the cafeteria, to experience it for themselves. In addition, AUO Energy Services Business Unit assistant manager Chou Wu-shing was invited to introduce an integrated energy conservation equipment system.

All visitors were able to gain a sense of the experience the BenQ Group has accumulated in high-end software and hardware R&D technologies and management applications. BenQ’s corporate culture of “truth, goodness, beauty” was in evidence in the attitude of employees and the way they use the building’s facilities, marking the visit to BenQ headquarters as an important stop on the Institute’s tour of high-tech buildings.

北美新行銷素材面市 (Say hello to BenQ new sales Materials)


Produced educational and engaging product videos for online use(
Videos driving higher traffic volumes on website, Qshop, YouTube channel and retail sites

BenQ 多項產品在美獲獎 (BenQ XL2420TX and EP5920 receive positive evaluations)

BenQ XL2420TX顯示器和EP5920投影機在北美平面及網路雜誌受到好評,分別在電競領域total solution和家庭影音用途上獲得好評。

A Gaming System That Helps Players Outlast the Competition
The average length of an Xbox gaming session is 4.2 hours. For PC gaming, that jumps to 8 hours. To stay competetive, players need a serious setup--one that can help them see more, hear more, and game for the long haul.


If you’re looking to get a big picture, you can get a big TV. But if you’re looking to be able to take a big picture around with you, you’ll need a portable front projector. That requires a projector that can handle being taken around, even if you don’t plan to do so. But wouldn’t it be cool if that same projector gave you plenty of extras and still came in under $900 bucks? Okay, here’s BenQ’s EP5920 Digital Projector for $899.

BenQ在美贊助MLG電競活動 (BenQ America Supported MLG Gaming event)


 •Supported MLG at Raleigh, North Carolina with ~300 BenQ tournament monitors
 •Sold over 115 monitors at the show
 •Huge crowds in booth with celebrity support from Grubby and Team Dynamic

BenQ China九月員工活動 (BenQ China employee events for September)

BenQ China員工活動包括9/8-9/9,BenQ攜同仁及家人一行三百多人,二天一夜,走進上海野生動物園&科技館的活動以及中秋換換樂與線上抽獎,讓BenQ China同仁度過了愉快的一天。

Recent BenQ China employee events included an overnight trip on 8 and 9 September that more than 300 of our colleagues and family members participated in. They traveled to the Shanghai Wild Animal Park and the Shanghai Science & Technology Museum, and also enjoyed a gift exchange and online drawing to celebrate the Moon Festival.

「全新起飛,同心共贏」——BenQ China商超摩拳擦掌,全力出發!(BenQ China sales team renews its shared quest for victory)

BenQ China 9/4-5華南、9/10-11華東的十一動員,將銷售演練搬至RT實體店面!各位銷售人員面臨真實的實戰銷售,沒有羞澀,沒有膽怯,有的只是依舊的熱情和百拒不饒的堅持!

BenQ China took its sales drills to brick-and-mortar retail stores. On 4 and 5 September in southern China, as well as on 10 and 11 September in eastern China, members of the sales team took the challenge of achieving real-world sales. They did not shrink from the task, retaining their passion and commitment.

2012年9月11日 星期二

BenQ電競活動在巴西 (BenQ Brazil LCD Gaming Blizzard Event)

近日BenQ舉辦兩場電競相關活動,包括SC2冠軍賽、「Level up!」電競比賽,擴大品牌能見度。

Blizzard Event
This was the South American SC2’s Championship where the Brazilian Team was sponsored and won  the 1st place!

Anime Friends Event
BenQ sponsored this gaming event and we showed up in their blog “Level up”

BenQ 哥倫比亞零售商研討會Intcomex (BenQ Colombia retail Workshop Intcomex)

BenQ在哥倫比亞舉行零售商workshop,超過十五個地區的零售商出席! BenQ organized
Colombia retail Workshop Intcomex, more than 15 regional retail attended and sales were increased!

BenQ拉丁美洲總經理訪問巴西 (President of BenQ Latin America visiting Brazil)

Peter Tan近日前往巴西,除參與新品上市發表會外,更進行了會見通路夥伴、激勵巴西當地團隊的行程。

President of BenQ Latin America visiting Brazil
- Team building motivation and activities with BenQ Brazil local team
- Kick off BenQ projector local CKD production project
- Visiting current and potential channel partners in Sao Paulo region

BenQ電競遊戲顯示器助力中國《夢三國OL》星賽季圓滿落幕 (BenQ lends support to Chinese gaming tournament through its gaming monitors)


Mengsanguo OL  is a popular online real-time strategy (RTS) game in China. Players are benefiting from the greater sense of realism and comfortable viewing provided by the exclusive RTS mode in BenQ’s XL2420T and RL2450HT gaming monitors. In addition, the adjustable-height base stand and picture-size adjustment feature in BenQ’s gaming monitors allow gamers to avoid the need to accommodate unfamiliar monitor specifications at match time. The appeal of BenQ’s XL2420T and RL2450HT not only makes them much loved among gamers, but even the workers on site offered their repeated praise, itching to take one home for themselves.

BenQ廣視角顯示器普及風暴席捲京東,黑銳麗再掀瘋搶風潮 (BenQ’s VA LCD-based wide view angle monitors see torrid sales on top Chinese online shopping site)


BenQ’s VA LCD monitors use an MVA panel with LED backlighting, and have always carried a reputation for high quality for their next-generation display technology that provides wide viewing angles. BenQ’s VA LCD monitor series provide an ultra-high 5000:1 static contrast ratio and true 8-bit color. They offer a greater level of detail, more realistic color, and affordable pricing as well, easily surpassing virtually all rival products in the market. Now BenQ’s VA LCD series are taking the online shopping site by storm with yet another price breakthrough, with discounts sparking a buying frenzy.

BenQ短焦投影機奪得中國多省市大型教育標案 (BenQ wins major education tenders in a number of Chinese provinces and cities with its short-throw projectors)


As the peak buying season for the education sector arrived with the summer vacation, a number of Chinese provinces and cities solicited bids for major education projects for this year. Worth noting was that these education projects all stipulated that short-throw projection technology was a requirement. This development was a source of great excitement for projector vendors targeting the education multimedia segment, and resulted in aggressive bids. As the leading global brand in projectors, BenQ was a great beneficiary, and according to the latest information from the front lines, BenQ’s education-oriented short-throw projectors were part of winning bids in regions throughout China—for example, for 2330 units in Hubei Province, 2000-plus in Liaoning, and 909 in Shandong.

BenQ GH700聚划算中國淘寶又開團 (BenQ GH700 part of major sales promotion on premier Chinese online shopping site)

8月28日BenQ 21倍長焦相機GH700參加淘寶聚划算團購活動,僅需人民幣1399元即可將BenQ GH700收入囊中!

On 28 August, BenQ’s GH700—a camera with powerful 21x zoom—was part of a discount promotion on leading Chinese online shopping site Taobao. For just 1399 renminbi, shoppers could own BenQ’s GH700.

A3大版面掃描器,BenQ掃描器M800新品中國上市 (BenQ’s new A3-format scanner, the M800, launches in China)


Currently, many people have to deal with difficult scanning scenarios like creating digital versions of larger, highly detailed items such as engineering diagrams, newspapers, magazines and posters. For such jobs, a scanner with a large enough format is required, while the scanner must also be capable of delivering a high level of clarity and detail. However, the products on the market that can satisfy such requirements are generally expensive. Recently, BenQ introduced an A3-format scanner, the M800, that provides the necessary capabilities, along with excellent price/performance.

強悍3D解碼 綠色環保節能——BenQ商教投影機MX520中國上市 (The BenQ MX520 projector for businesses and schools brings powerful 3D decoding, excellent energy efficiency to Chinese market)


As the world’s leading DLP projector brand, BenQ has been leading the way in new technology R&D and applications. Moreover, it has won the approval of a broad swath of consumers. Demonstrating this appeal, BenQ’s MS502/MX520 models with SmartEco energy efficiency technologies have been dominating the headlines on IT-themed websites. Now, BenQ is at the forefront of the industry again as it launches the MX520 projector for businesses and educational institutions. The latest addition to the BenQ5 series uses Texas Instruments’ next-generation DDP4421 chipset. The key selling points of the MX520 are its comprehensive 3D compatibility and SmartEco, and it represents an important expansion of BenQ’s lineup for businesses and schools, as well as a new gold standard for entry-level projectors targeting this segment.

《街頭籃球》總決賽落下帷幕 BenQ專業電競遊戲顯示器好評如雲 (Championship match in gaming tournament brings high praise for BenQ’s gaming monitors)


Raid Air is a street basketball-themed PC game that is wildly popular in China. After sponsoring Raid Air league play last year, BenQ is doing it again this year. For the 2012 championship match, BenQ contributed its XL2420T and RL2450HT gaming monitors for the competitors to use. The XL2420T in particular won unanimous praise from the gamers for its outstanding performance.

BenQ ADF掃描器F600/F800在中國上市 (BenQ F600/F800 ADF scanners launch in China)

在注重效率的今天,ADF( Automatic Document Feeder 自動輸稿器)高速掃描器憑藉出色的穩定性和連續掃描的高速性,逐漸獲得辦公人士的青睞,尤其是那些平時工作中需要大量掃描檔的人群。BenQ最新推出的F600和F800 ADF掃描器不但滿足了以上需求,更解決了傳統ADF掃描器面臨的卡紙、無法掃描票據(掃描件過薄過小)等問題。

With the importance placed today on efficiency, high-speed ADF (automatic document feeder) scanners are drawing on excellent stability and fast continuous scanning to gradually win the favor of office workers, especially those whose work regularly requires large volumes of scanned documents. BenQ’s newest F600 and F800 ADF scanners not only satisfy these requirements, but they also overcome the shortcomings of traditional ADF scanners, such as paper jamming and an inability to satisfactorily scan very thin and small articles such as bills.

BenQ China彩色戀人BV520鍵鼠套裝聚划算開團 (BenQ China’s colorful BV520 keyboard-and-mouse combo receives sales promotion)

9月5日,BenQ BV520鍵鼠套裝參加中國淘寶聚划算團購活動,團購價僅需88元就可以將彩色戀人帶回家。據悉,本次鍵鼠套裝聚划算活動中銷售量在200餘套。

On 5 September, BenQ’s BV520 keyboard-and-mouse set was part of a discount promotion on China’s Taobao shopping website. With the group discount, the price was just 88 yuan. According to those in the know, the event resulted in sales of over 200 units.

BenQ China淘寶旗艦店買即贈活動 (BenQ China participates in sales promotion with prize drawing on flagship Taobao store)

為了讓更多熱愛BenQ旋轉屏G1的用戶體驗大光圈的美麗,9月5日至10日,BenQ淘寶旗艦店特開展一系列的買即贈活動,獎品多多,大禮豐厚!凡光臨BenQ淘寶旗艦店購買G1的用戶立贈三件開門禮!更有滿即抽獎贈New iPad好禮相送!

To enable even more users to experience the spectacular results possible with BenQ’s G1 swivel-screen bright-lens camera, from 5 to 10 September, BenQ held a series of sales promotions on its flagship Taobao online store. Shoppers who made a purchase were entered into a drawing that featured a large number of great prizes. Purchasers of the G1 were rewarded with three gifts, as well as being eligible to win a new iPad.

BenQ China Joybook捲土重來 超極本X41輕薄上市 (BenQ brings back Joybook with launch of the X41 ultrabook)

還記得08年BenQ Joybook所帶來的快樂體驗嗎?如今,BenQ China帶著Joybook捲土重來,並正式加入超極本行列!近日,BenQ推出全新的超長效能並極致輕薄的超極本X41,將Joybook的快樂科技風延續!

Do you remember the happy experience of using a 2008-era BenQ Joybook? Now, BenQ China is giving the Joybook new life as it officially enters the ultrabook space. In recent days, BenQ has introduced the all-new X41 ultrabook with extra-long battery life and incredibly slim form factor, opening a new chapter in the Joybook saga.

上海、南京一級經銷商積極參與家用投影機終端促銷活動 (First-tier distributors in Shanghai, Nanjing participate eagerly in sales promotions for home projectors)

隨著倫敦奧運會的啟動,投影機也結合奧運主題開展了「FUN大精彩 為奧運加油」的終端促銷活動。繼先前五一期間的「茶色生香,影音相伴」的順利結束,投影機終端活動可謂一波接一波。本次結合奧運主題的線下促銷活動同時也強化了家用機核心門店的曝光。總部也積極準備充足的終端物料,給各區域終端店面的佈置提供了豐富充沛的物料選擇。值得一提的是,上海及南京的一級經銷商親自帶領團隊前往每家二級經銷商門店進行終端店面的佈置,也充分表示其對本次活動的充分肯定!

As the London Olympics began, BenQ China initiated a sales promotion for its projectors with a slogan—which could be roughly translated as “have more fun as you cheer on your favorites at the Olympics”—tied in with the Games. The end-user-oriented campaign featured multiple phases. Along with their Olympics-related theme, the sales promotion simultaneously heightened the visibility of key home projector outlets. Headquarters also prepared a great deal of promotional material that retail outlets could use for in-store displays. Worth noting is that first-tier distributors in Shanghai and Nanjing sent their own teams to their satellite distributors to arrange displays, amply demonstrating their strong approval of this promotion.

BenQ China冠軍之路系列論壇試用活動點擊量超45000次 (Page dedicated to hands-on event on BenQ China’s “The Way of Champion” series discussion forum surpasses 45,000 views)

冠軍之路系列論壇試用活動經過1個多月的時間正式落幕。本次活動在PCeva、超能網、pcinlife 3個硬體論壇舉行,收到了70多位活網友的積極報名,從中精選出 27名網友參與試用KX890天機鏡機械鍵盤和X300雷神遊戲主機殼,總共發佈試用文章33篇,活動相關文章總點擊量超過45,000次,回復數量超過1,200人次(含活動徵集帖及試用帖),其中6篇帖子在論壇中點擊量超過了1000次,並成為論壇熱帖。


After more than a month, the hands-on event promoted on BenQ China’s “The Way of Champion” series discussion forum officially came to a close. The event was covered in discussion forums on three premier hardware-oriented Chinese sites—PCeva,, and pcinlife—receiving registrations from more than 70 members of the online community. From these registrants, 27 were selected to participate in a hands-on trial of the KX890 mechanical keyboard and X300 gaming PC case. A total of 33 articles detailing the experience was posted, and more than 45,000 page views were recorded for articles related to the event, as well as more than 1,200 comments (including posts calling for registrations and detailing the hands-on). Of these, six posts received more than 1,000 views on the forum, becoming hot topics for discussion.

Netizens participating in this hands-on trial included website admins and senior members of the discussion forum community. Gamers used actual experience with the product to gain a genuine sense of how “The Way of Champion” products are in real-world use. One participant said that the KX890 was “the black-themed mechanical keyboard that [he] most [wants] to collect.” A PCeva community member used the seven brief days of the hands-on to hand-draw ornamentation for the the side panel, expressing his DIYer’s passion for the X300.

BenQ GP2成功跨界行銷,利用新媒體推波助瀾 (BenQ GP2 cross-marketing draws on new media to achieve success)

寶馬MINI「年輕,時尚,潮流」等元素與BenQ mini投影機GP2十分的契合,為了更生動的向用戶傳達GP2的理念,BenQGP2攜手寶馬MINI與用戶深入互動,在MINI 車中感受mini投影機的魅力。互動活動以「光影隨行,城市駕車尋寶——GP2從投開始」為主題,通過在目前最為活躍的微博平臺,以及最後的落地,活動取得了很好的效果, 歷時兩周線上推廣,參與互動的人數超過2.4W人次,覆蓋人群400W人次,官方微博粉絲成長翻倍!為了深度的挖掘用戶,同時在活躍的論壇上徵集GP2的創意使用,讓用戶創意其中。


Qualities such as “youthful, stylish, and trendy” that are associated with BMW’s MINI automobiles apply equally well to BenQ’s Joybee GP2 pocket projector. In order to more vividly communicate the idea behind the GP2, BenQ brought together the GP2 and BMW MINI for a highly interactive event with users, who were able to experience the appeal of a mini-projector inside a MINI automobile. The event used “Take your show on the road with the GP2” as its theme. Taking advantage of China’s most popular microblogging platform, Weibo, the event achieved excellent results. After two weeks of online promotion, more than 24,000 people participated, with information about the event visible to a community of 4 million, and official Weibo followers doubling. In order to reach a broader range of users, creative uses of the GP2 were solicited on active discussion forums during the event. With enthusiastic participation on the two most active forums, ZOL and pcpop, the event drew 200,000 page views, and 24,141 people expressed an interest in the event, with 2000 actually participating. Descriptions of 51 detailed and creative usage scenarios for the GP2 were received, with 11,863 people participating in the process. Finally, we invited members of the online community to try out these outstanding ideas for using the GP2, and their personal experiences brought the BenQ brand closer to users.

「遠離視疲勞 過癮看奧運」LCD全國各區域火熱開展暑期促銷 (“Watch the Olympics, without the eyestrain” is theme for nationwide summer promotion for LCD TVs)

暑期已經步入8月,全國各區域針對暑期進行的「遠離視疲勞 過癮看奧運」主題促銷活動正如火如荼的展開,各區域不僅在店面佈置陳列上精心準備,同時也在賣力的進行產品的銷售,讓這個暑假變得更加火熱!

It was already August when a countrywide sales campaign promoting BenQ’s LCD TVs burst on the scene with the slogan “Watch the Olympics, without the eyestrain”. Not only were shops outfitted with appealing displays, but there was an extra sales push, making this summer vacation even hotter.

2012年9月10日 星期一

BenQ職業電競隊TFE斬獲2012 K1公開賽冠軍 (BenQ’s professional gaming team wins K1 League championship for 2012 season)

8月26日,世紀天成K1 2012全國公開賽落下帷幕,BenQ職業電競隊BENQ TFE最終不負眾望,拿下成軍以來首個全國性賽事冠軍。TFE五個大男孩成軍以來一直備受關注,卻又飽受質疑,內心承受著巨大壓力。這次,他們以全國性大賽的冠軍成績證明了自己。

The K1 League’s 2012 season came to a close on 26 August, and after fiercely contested matches, BenQ’s TFE pro team did not disappoint, taking its first national championship. The five members of the team has endured close scrutiny since TFE formed, and doubts about their prospects put them under enormous pressure. But by winning this nationally contested championship, they have proved their mettle once and for all.

BenQG1攜手《昕薇》,助力2012昕薇中國女孩20強及頒獎總決賽 (BenQ joins forces with ViVi magazine, sponsoring round-of-20 and championship in its fashion model contest)


Premier Chinese women’s fashion magazine ViVi began the selection process for its 2012 fashion model contest in late August. BenQ successfully made the ranks of the limited number of sponsors for the event, spending no money for the sponsorship, but relying solely on its contribution of the G1 camera. The contestants used the G1 to photograph scenes from their lives during the competition, catapulting the G1 to a hot topic on the Sina Weibo microblogging service. In addition, at the venue for the championship round, the model of ViVi magazine’s competition used the G1 during the jam-packed show, demoing the G1’s self-portrait feature, giving the G1 an extremely high level of exposure and making for a tremendous publicity coup!

「樂工作 愛生活」BenQ微投影機新品GP10發佈會在北京召開 (BenQ holds launch event for new GP10 pocket projector in Beijing)

9月4日,全球投影機領導品牌BenQ在京召開微投新品發佈會。除獲得2012臺灣精品獎金質獎殊榮的GP2以外,同時亮相的還有住商兩用的最新微投影產品GP10。本次發佈會以小而精的方式邀請了核心媒體17家,根據微投不同的應用現場體驗了商用與家用的解決方案,體現本次發佈會“樂工作 愛生活“的主題!

On 4 September, world-leading projector brand BenQ debuted its latest pocket projectors in Beijing. Besides showcasing the Joybee GP2 pocket projector, which was awarded a 2012 Taiwan Excellence Gold Award, BenQ also launched its newest pocket projector, the GP10, which targets both the business and home markets. For the event, BenQ opted for a more intimate, in-depth approach, inviting 17 key media outlets to experience demos of solutions for home and office pocket projector usage scenarios, communicating the theme for the launch, “enjoy work, love life”.

BenQ Solar在全美兩百多處佈點 (AC Unison Installed at Over 200 Sites in US)

BenQ Solar在美國國際太陽能展上秀出實績,宣布已經在美國安裝兩百多組AC Unison太陽能系統產品,獲得客戶肯定。未來並將以擴大通路管道與新的合作夥伴提升業務涵蓋範圍,為客戶提供更方便快捷的服務。

BenQ Solar, the solar brand launched by AU Optronics (NYSE: AUO), today announced its AC Unison has been installed in hundreds of sites and the Company is expanding its channel network nationwide in the US. BenQ Solar will showcase AC Unison and other advanced solar modules at Solar Power International 2012 from Sep. 11th to 13th, in Orlando, Florida, USA.

AC Unison, a high-efficiency AC module with integrated microinverter, is the industry’s first fully integrated AC module system. Designed for simple plug-and-play installation, high performance and great rooftop aesthetics, it offers a long-term warranty that covers both the inverter and the module.

AC Unison has been acclaimed by American customers and there are currently over 200 installation sites nationwide, with total power output exceeding 1.2MW.  The installation sites spread across 15 states, including the East and West coasts, as well as Hawaii. AC Unison is suitable for both residential and commercial applications. The Company is now expanding its channel network with new partners to provide customers with even more convenient and prompt services.

Besides AC Unison, BenQ Solar’s high-efficiency poly-crystalline module GreenTriplex PM245P00 and high power utility-scale module GreenTriplex PM300P00 will also be demonstrated at the exhibition.

BenQ以電影贊助打入DVD零售商店(BenQ with Paramount promotion in dvd retail stores)


Paramount promotion that positioned very well our brand in dvd retail stores.

BenQ墨西哥搖滾樂團La Gusana Ciega合作宣傳BenQ相機 (BenQ campaign with a Mexican rock group )

BenQ和墨西哥搖滾樂團La Gusana Ciega合作宣傳BenQ相機,除臉書活動外,並在搖滾音樂會中秀出BenQ logo。
Campaign with a Mexican rock group “La Gusana Ciega”. We gave away 3 cameras to the winners from our Facebook game. La Gusana Ciega continues to show our BenQ logo in the concerts they performed.

BenQ參加Technology Fair Comtech (Guatemala Technology Fair Comtech Aug 2012)

八月份BenQ Latin America參加Technology Fair Comtech,展出投影機、顯示器、數位相機。

BenQ participated Guatemala Technology Fair Comtech Aug 2012, exhibition of projectors, monitors and digital cameras .

BenQ在駐瓜地馬拉共和國大使館展出(BenQ Exhibition Event in Embassy of Taiwan)


BenQ Exhibition Event in Embassy of Taiwan, we exhibited of projectors, Monitors and digital cameras in the Taiwan embassy.

BenQ Latin America開發教育市場新顧客(Guatemala Pronevi Presentation to owner of school)


Pronevi is a new customer of segment corporative. The event is for owner an principals of school of Guatemala. Presentation of digital camaras and projectors

BenQ 讓拉丁美洲貧童體驗科技 (BenQ Guatemala Kinal Social Activity)


BenQ provided its support to Institute Kinal in their Technology Week.
Kinal is a institute for poor children and BenQ gave them the opportunity to experience 3D

BenQ在瓜地馬拉舉辦投影機展會 (Guatemala Managers meeting in Abanico)


Event organized by the bank Banrural, where they met 500 principals and school owners.

BenQ拉丁美洲社群活動概況(BenQ facebook event in ROLA)

BenQ拉丁美洲的GP2社群活動“The Most Wanted of BenQ”順利完成,也和粉絲在網路上實現良好的互動。

BenQ Latin America shared the winners of the GP2 called “The Most Wanted of BenQ”

GP2 在中東機場 (GP2 showcase at KSA airports, and retail outlets in India)

BenQ GP2除了在Apple iStore及量販店上架之外,現在也能在沙烏地阿拉伯的機場商店買得到了。現場規畫展示區,讓顧客更了解產品的特性。

Thanks for BenQ Middle East’s continuously efforts on developing retail outlets for GP2 live demonstration. Besides the existing Apple resellers and major retail outlets, BenQ Middle East also successfully live demonstrate GP2 in the airport of Saudi Arabia. Currently there’re five demo spots in Al Musbah Stores, a leading channel of airport shop. The travelers experienced GP2 full function and are much impressed by its portal and ease-to-use features.

BenQ India is also developing GP2 live demo zone in 25 identified outlets. Learned from BenQ Thailand POP design, BenQ India also set up a table screen to showcase GP2 features; it’s good to see NS share success story which benefits others.  The live demo goes with GP2 brochures and standee, which help users to better understand the product features.

BenQ中東與非洲的臉書粉絲成長中 (Good progress on Facebook of BenQ Middle East and Africa)

BenQ Middle East與BenQ Africa經由有趣的照片競賽、按讚抽獎的活動吸引新的臉書粉絲!

NS are always encouraged to create creative activity with local touch to interact with BenQ fans. In August, we saw good progress in BenQ Middle East & Africa Facebook fan page. Two interesting activities – Photo upload contest and Celebrate Eid were hosted in August which help BenQ attracted 1882 new fans in 2-week’s time.

Photo upload contest was hosted from 15~30 Aug. with the theme: “Your favorite holiday destination”.  BenQ Middle East invited fans to upload photos and informed their friends to like the photos, which enabled them got a chance to win a BenQ DSC as the prize. This simple and easy contest attracted many traffic, and the most popular photo earned 5,156 likes! The activity successed to make the interaction booming, we got obviously growth in total “Reach” and “People talking about this” during the campaign.

And “Celebrate Eid with BenQ” was on from 17 to 20 Aug., existing fans were encouraged to change their profile pictures to BenQ creative for a day, and left a message on BenQ Middle East page, after that, a lucky fan will get the prize by raffle draw. 

By the end of August, the number of fans grew to 2357, we got a nicely progress in August with two simple activities. BenQ Middle East will keep going and post profuse contents about brand and product information to engage those fans and attract more visitors.

BenQ Australia 參加BES IT Day (BenQ Australia joined BES IT Day to showcase education projection solution)

BenQ Australia 參加布里斯本的BES IT Day,並在這個針對教育與政府採購需求的展會中展示LW61ST、GP2等投影機,展現我們深耕教育市場的決心。

BenQ Australia joined BES IT Day event on Aug 29th in Brisbane. BES is an AV Reseller based in Queensland and focuses primarily Corporate, Education and Government market. In the event, BenQ Australia live-demonstrated LW61ST and GP2, and had static demonstration of MW860USTi. The event is just one day and in a smaller scale, but it’s an important to show BenQ’s dedication to education within the state of Queensland. From the event, attendees replied positive feedbacks of low maintenance requirements and no lamp-replacement with LW61ST and surprised with GP2’s mobility as well as claimed it would be useful in their staffrooms or on camps and excursions.

BenQ Thailand參加英文主題教育展 (BenQ Thailand participated education event - Enriching English Proficiency for Thais” seminar)

八月底,BenQ Thailand參加了一個小型的英文主題教育展,展示BenQ的藍光投影機,並與未來可能合作的經銷商們保持良好的合作關係。

 “Enriching English Proficiency for Thais” seminar (Aug 30th and 31st) is a smaller-scale event in Prince Palace Hotel Bangkok, where BenQ Thailand demonstrated the BlueCore laser technology with LW61ST, MW851UST, MX710 and DCP10 document camera. BenQ projectors were demonstrated with English contents to 1,100+ visitors, and we also got good business contacts for possible deals in the near future.

BenQ 參加泰國教育展ASEAN (BenQ Thailand participated education event - ASEAN Education Challenge to enhance brand preference)


To continuously enhance BenQ brand preference and showcase new IFP and projector offerings to education market, BenQ Thailand participated in ASEAN Education Challenge together with SI in August.

ASEAN Education Challenge 2012(from Aug 25th to Aug 27th) is an academic event for ASEAN students, teachers, administrators, educational institutes, and all others to exchange experience and expertise together in Chiang Mai University. At this event, BenQ Thailand live demonstrated IFP TL550 and education projectors including MX815ST with IWB, LW61ST, MW851UST, DCP10 and other mainstream models together with education contents to around 10K visitors.  Visitors can easily get a clear picture about BenQ’s display solution for education market.

BenQ在馬來西亞網咖舉行CS爭霸戰 (The Ultimate Counter-Strike Tournament Presented by BenQ in Malaysia)

為加強BenQ身為電競顯示器專家的品牌形象,日前BenQ在馬來西亞最大網咖聯盟Orange Internet Café舉辦CS大賽,吸引超過三十支比賽隊伍,BenQ電競螢幕的表現也獲得正面肯定。

To reinforce BenQ gaming monitors are designed for competitive games and in conjunction with the launch of CS:GO, the latest edition of Counter-Strike, BenQ Malaysia cooperated with Orange Internet Café, the no.1 gaming café in Malaysia with 25 branches, to hold a Counter-Strike tournament on August 31st. Over 90 spectators rooted for 30 teams (2v2) at Orange Internet Café and the competition can be watched through live streaming channel at the same time.

Besides 2v2 tournament, BenQ Malaysia also invited local gamers to endorse XL/RL and have them to introduce XL/RL with gamers’ language to all the participants. 

To leverage on WOM marketing from the gamers and bloggers, not only media but also bloggers were invited to join the product introduction session. After trying out XL/RL, most of them are wowed by the great performance of our gaming monitors.

Everything is related to sales! In order to benefit retail sales, the discount voucher was distributed as doorgift to encourage gamers purchase after ‘Good Experience’.  Through this cooperation, the owner of Orange Internet Café was impressed by the performance of BenQ gaming monitors and considered to purchase both XL2420T and RL2450H for their new branches. It’s a great experience to have gaming tournament joint promotion with Internet Café; and we look forward to increasing sales from both gaming retailers and Orange gaming café!

2012年9月9日 星期日

BenQ電競顯示器在印度FragFest曝光 (XL and RL were showcased in FragFest gaming event in India)

BenQ 贊助印度FragFest活動,會中使用 XL2420H/RL2450H,吸引了更多當地的電競玩家注意到BenQ品牌,超過2000位觀眾注意到BenQ電競產品的優秀表現。

BenQ India sponsored FragFest gaming event from August 24th to 26th to showcase XL2420H/RL2450H and have more interaction with Indian gamers. This tournament was held at & by BLUR, which is a world-class gaming zone spread over 15,000 square feet at the Sathyam Complex with more than 30 gaming station having BenQ 27” monitors. It’s located in Chennai with options for computer games, arcade games and Wii games. The games range from single, dual to multi-player ones.

During the 3-day event, total number of footfalls at BLUR was around 2000. There are six games that were played in the tournament – Call of Duty, Starcraft, FIFA 2012, Tekken 6, Nascar and Call of Duty 4. BenQ logo and wall image could be seen by 14K visitors around 15 days before the event, 3 days of the event and one week afterward. BenQ RL series monitors were given to the winners of these tournaments.

BenQ參加韓國休閒展 (BenQ Korea Joined Leisure Exhibition to demonstrate GP2)

BenQ參加韓國休閒展並展示GP2、MW712、LW61ST、 W1060等多項產品,同時也藉由贈送入場卷的方式舉辦活動,吸引更多新的粉絲。
From Aug 30th to Sep 2nd, BenQ Korea joined Leisure exhibition in Koyang city, Kyunggi province. At this event, BenQ Korea set GP2 in a camping tent and also demonstrated MW712, LW61ST and W1060.  At the same time, BenQ Korea also conducted a facebook program to give away free tickets of the exhibition, which successfully help increase new fans by 20%. BenQ Korea smartly utilized free tickets to attract new fans and promote GP2 to people who love camping.

BenQ GP2登上韓國運動頻道 (GP2 product placement in XTM TV program)

BenQ GP2登上韓國知名運動頻道XTM,在專門介紹GP2功能的節目中,以露營的情境來表現GP2的應用和優勢,吸引觀眾目光。

To introduce GP2’s portable feature to vast group of people who enjoy outdoor life, BenQ Korea arranged a product placement with XTM, the popular sports and gadget channel, in a program which introduced Korean favorate camping acitivty. In this program, actors use GP2 and enjoye the video together. From the camping scenario, end-uders can exactly understand GP2 functions and benefits.