2014年1月21日 星期二

台灣區發表智慧型手機 F3 (BenQ Taiwan launches F3 smartphone)

BenQ於十二月發表為全新1,300萬畫素四核心智慧型手機BenQ F3,8.9mm纖薄流線外型並兼具豐富照相功能,使用者可搭配多種拍攝與場景模式或99連拍等拍照功能,隨手記錄任何感動與精采瞬間,值此送禮季節BenQ F3推出上市季節限定版,隨機搭贈閃耀紅、焦點白雙色殼,可讓講究穿搭的時尚年輕族群隨意搭配,展現都會流行的時尚魅力。邀請您一起發現BenQ F3的產品魅力

In December, BenQ announced its all-new F3 smartphone with 13-megapixel camera and quad-core processor. Smoothly contoured and super-slim at just 8.9mm in thickness, the F3 incorporates a rich array of photo features, such as multiple shooting and scenario modes, as well as a 99-shot burst mode, enabling users to capture their most poignant and exciting moments. Just in time for the gift-giving season, BenQ is offering limited editions of the F3 with red and white shells, letting fashion-conscious young consumers choose the color that best matches their attire and conveying the F3 stylish sensibilities. You are invited to discover for yourself the F3’s powerful appeal.

