2014年1月20日 星期一

深圳市電子競技錦標賽分享 (Gaming tournament in Shenzhen takes place)

一年一度的深圳市電子競技錦標賽決賽於12月14—15號在深圳市職業技術學院如期舉行,BenQ協144HZ專業遊戲神器XL2420T高調亮相這場盛宴。本次競技錦標賽涵蓋CS、LOL、Dota2、星際爭霸等項目,比賽歷時兩個多月,國內知名戰隊IG、WE、Tyloo、NEW4紛紛參與角逐,BenQ遊戲顯示器開始逐步深入深圳電競圈,線上媒體中關村、鳳凰網 、天極網、太平洋遊戲網、DOTA2官網等的露出,也讓BenQ遊戲顯示器大量曝光!

The annual Shenzhen Electronics Sports Championship finals ran from 14 to 15 December at Shenzhen Polytechnic. BenQ’s 144Hz XL2420T gaming monitors made a high-profile appearance at the tournament. This tournament included Counter-Strike, League of Legends, Dota 2, and StarCraft events, with matches spanning more than two months. Notable local teams like IG, WE, Tyloo, NEW4 entered, and BenQ gaming monitors began making deeper inroads in the Shenzhen gaming circles. Online media such as ZOL, ifeng.com, Yesky, PCgames, and the official Dota 2 website featured BenQ’s gaming monitors, providing considerable exposure.

