2014年1月21日 星期二

BQtw G2F晚美自拍機驚豔上市 (BQtw launches G2F self-portrait camera with nighttime photo enhancements)

BenQ推出第一台獨家開發LED蘋果光燈的翻轉螢幕機種「BenQ G2F晚美自拍機」,挑戰低光源環境下也能輕鬆擁有粉嫩蘋果肌,搭配6段18種美顏效果,美白、自然柔化、蘋果肌腮紅,輕鬆拍出自然美膚。270度翻轉螢幕,G2F完美征服百變角度,此外,更可透過一鍵上傳WiFi功能,即刻與社群朋友互動分享生活中的美好片刻。機身宛如彩妝盒般的時尚流線外觀,成為女孩不可或缺的秘密武器。近期戲劇作品展露頭角的新星安唯綾擔任BenQ G2F晚美自拍機代言人,年輕充滿活力的她開心出席代言活動,記者會中搶先分享多張使用BenQ G2F上傳到個人facebook粉絲頁的美照,堪稱最稱職的代言人。

BenQ recently introduced the G2F swivel-screen self-portrait camera, the first with BenQ’s exclusive LED-based nighttime beauty-enhancing lighting feature. The feature allows users to capture photos with natural skin tones and a healthy glow even under low-light conditions. The camera also includes 5 types  of and 18 individual beauty enhancement effects—including skin whitener, softener, and blush—to make it easy to capture beauty, naturally. The 270° swivel screen enables users to take great photos from any angle, while a one-button WiFi upload feature makes it a snap to share special moments with friends and the online community. The body of the G2F is designed to resemble a makeup case, and is likewise a young woman’s “secret weapon”. Rising new star Ann Wei Ling is serving as spokesperson for the G2F, and at a press event she enthusiastically shared several photos that she had taken with the G2F and uploaded to her Facebook page.

