2014年1月21日 星期二

【2014 BenQ Annual Party 發。發。發】總部與BQC活動報導 (Headquarters and BQC hold annual parties)

1/17 專屬於我們的【 2014 BenQ Annual Party 發。發。發】圓滿結束,現在就讓我們一起來回顧精彩的照片吧! 也把你的照片和我們一起分享吧!

同時,BenQ 中國業務區辦公室在1月10日晚上, 2013 BenQ Annual Party在一段歡快熱辣的舞蹈下正式拉開了晚宴的序幕。


其次,今年的節目火辣程度依舊不容小覷,才氣爆棚的原創歌曲《幾首歌兒》、熱情自信的《炫舞拉丁》、活力四射的《讓夢想飛》、動感十足的嘻哈街舞《快閃JDD》、婀娜多姿的《雲袖夢舞》以及震撼全場的《The Best-舞動青春》,引來台下無數閃光燈和粉絲尖叫。


On 17 January, the 2014 BenQ Annual Party came off perfectly. Let’s take a look at some great photos of the event. If you have some of your own, please share them with us!

BenQ China held its own annual party on 10 January, officially kicking off with  a rousing dance performance.

On this joyous occasion where we bid farewell to the past year and welcomed the new, executives expressed their best wishes for us, as well as the hope that BenQ will prosper this year. Next up was an awards ceremony to recognize outstanding individuals and teams. The past year’s achievements were the result of each and every BenQer’s hard work.

The entertainment program this year was as exciting as ever, featuring dance performances accompanied by bursts of camera flashes and excited screams in the audience.

The prize drawing is always the most enthusiastically received part of these annual parties, and we congratulate the winners of the various prizes, as they have already experienced their first bit of good luck in the new year.

