2014年1月21日 星期二

BenQ贊助GP3迷你投影機給塞內加爾村莊 (Sponsoring GP3 mini projector for Kambein project in Senegal)

BenQ在歐洲「Kambien project」中贊助GP3迷你投影機給塞內加爾村莊,讓當地居民能夠體會到科技的美好。

An update of what we have been doing here in Senegal since I arrived mid-October. We have used the cinema system several times and the BenQ Joybee projector has always performed superbly- thanks again for your kind donation. We begin our school programme and further film screenings in neighbouring villages for stove construction next week and look forward to sending you further updates in a few months time.

