2014年1月20日 星期一

佈局新視界 共盈新未來—2013中國蘇皖LCD產品培訓會 (BenQ holds training sessions for LCD products in China’s Suwan area)

佈局新視界 共盈新未來—2013中國蘇皖LCD產品培訓會



Xuzhou training session
In Xuzhou, product displays, presentations, and direct interaction with consumers took place. Armed with a thorough understanding of the VW series, RL series, and high-end bundles, as well as of the brand story, our channel partners are better prepared than ever to sell higher-end products.

Suzhou training session
Dozens of customers from various towns and villages in the Suzhou area gathered for this session, sharing their business experiences and future development directions. Of special note is how the combination of upgraded Internet cafes on Suzhou’s Guanqian Street and BenQ solutions is revolutionizing the Internet cafe sector in ways acknowledged by all, making BenQ’s thinking about how to modernize this institution a core asset.

