2014年1月20日 星期一

頂級品質 尊享奢華 BenQ投影機W7500上海品鑒會 (BenQ’s W7500 projector shows off premium quality at Shanghai product try-out event)

2013年12月15日下午14點,“頂級品質 尊享奢華” BenQ投影機W7500品鑒會在上海市松江區思賢路1126弄西林花園北區182號別墅正式舉行, 眾多高清影音愛好者報名參加了此次品鑒會活動。在品鑒會中,通過BenQW7500家用3D投影機現場播放的高清藍光影片,為網友帶來了一場近似影院般的超大畫面高清影像盛宴!另外,董翊的講解讓網友充分理解了W7500的強大影音功能,近距離向網友們展現其非凡魅力。

On 15 December 2013, a product try-out featuring BenQ’s W7500 took place at a luxury condominium in Shanghai. A number of high-definition video enthusiasts registered to participate, and during the event the W7500 home 3D projector displayed high-definition Blu-ray video, giving attendees a chance to experience a cinema-like big-screen viewing experience. In addition, a lively presentation gave attendees a thorough understanding of the W7500’s powerful multimedia features.

