2013年10月15日 星期二

BenQ顯示器出臺網吧採購優惠政策 扶持中國網吧業主樹標杆快成長 (BenQ encourages monitor purchases by Chinese Internet cafes through discount policy, assists them in growing their businesses)

BenQ為網吧業者所開的藥方是要力保網吧改走「專業化+健康化+舒適化」轉型之路。有如浙江寧波某網吧在充分接受BenQ店面裝修與分區經營建議後,以高端電腦硬體提供更好的遊戲體驗,同時透過舒適的座椅和良好的環境,為用戶創造了更愜意的消費體驗。而福建鑫華網路氧吧則特別採購BenQQdesk Candy糖果精裝電腦以打造優雅淑女區,搭配咖啡屋式休閒環境,彰顯高端品味,上座率遠高於周邊網吧。

BenQ's recommendations to Internet cafés aim to assist them in shifting to an emphasis on greater professionalism and healthier, more comfortable in-store environments. For example, an Internet cafe in the city of Ningpo accepted BenQ's advice for remodeling, adopting a layout with differentiated zones. The cafe is using high-end computer hardware to provide a better gaming experience, and is offering more comfortable seating, with the end result being greater customer satisfaction. Another Internet cafe, in Fujian province, purchased BenQ's Qdesk Candy cases to as part of a move to create an elegant special area for female customers. The addition of a casual cafe style environment enables the Internet cafe to convey a appealing ambience, helping it attract more customers than do surrounding cafés.

