2013年10月14日 星期一

BenQ China河南攜電競機種助陣騰訊AVA大師賽 (BenQ China spotlights gaming monitors with sponsorship of AVA tournament in Henan province)

AVA又名“戰地之王”,是騰訊旗下射擊遊戲中的一款,其玩家眾多,此遊戲地圖中有很多黑暗區,玩家從明亮的室外進入到黑暗的室內,或者從小黑屋爬到亮堂堂的街上,需要一個適應時間去看清新環境的事物,而BenQ獨有的“暗部場景平衡模式”讓玩家體驗了一把神器帶來的震撼, 2013騰訊戰地之王大師賽河南區決賽於9月7日在鄭州百腦匯外場舉行,本次活動覆蓋人群50W,BenQ攜電競機種助陣決賽現場,為大家呈現BenQ專業遊戲顯示器的獨特魅力。

Alliance Of Valiant Arms, or AVA, is a very popular online first-person shooter hosted by Tencent Games in China. The virtual world of the game includes many dimly lit areas, and players must move from bright outdoor settings to dark indoor spaces, or climb out from shadowy houses onto glittering streets—meaning that they need time to adjust in order to clearly perceive everything in a new scene. For such occasions, BenQ’s Black eQualizer mode offers gamers an amazingly powerful tool.
The Henan regional finals of Tencent’s AVA masters tournament for 2013 took place on 7 September at the Buynow electronics mall. Including competitors, spectators at the venue, and those who watched the action online, the event attracted the participation of 50,000 people. BenQ was able to highlight its gaming monitors to all these enthusiasts through its sponsorship of the event and publicity at the venue.

